Dressing & Impressing: A Guide to Fine Dining Attire

There’s nothing more enriching and rewarding than enjoying an evening out at a fine dining establishment. This isn’t fast food, fast casual, or even casual, this is an experience that includes food and drinks of the finest quality and requires proper etiquette from both patrons and providers. This doesn’t just include maintaining the proper etiquette … Read more

Premium Steak Cut Class: Understanding the Difference Between New York Strip Steak and Filet Mignon

If you’ve ever been in the meat section at your local supermarket, you’re more than likely noticed that quite a few different cuts of steaks are for sale. And while they might seem quite similar to one another, not all cuts are created equal. Among the many options you might have noticed, New York strip … Read more

Enjoying Fine Dining With Steak & Pasta at The Vault Downtown

A Unique Offering Unlike Any Other  There are many advantages to eating out, especially at The Vault Downtown. And before we explore these various attributes, we thought we would generate some excitement regarding the special menu that we have planned for you. We’re calling this unique offering the Friday Night Steak & Pasta Duet. We’re … Read more