There’s nothing more enriching and rewarding than enjoying an evening out at a fine dining establishment. This isn’t fast food, fast casual, or even casual, this is an experience that includes food and drinks of the finest quality and requires proper etiquette from both patrons and providers. This doesn’t just include maintaining the proper etiquette in the form of excellent table manners, but also the way you decide to dress and present yourself at a particular location.
Things to Remember About Dressing Appropriately
The best way to think about what you’re going to wear while dining out is to think about the fashion choices you would make if you were attending a wedding or a formal ceremony. Fine dining requires presenting yourself in a sophisticated and distinguished manner. This one only applies to you, but the people who will be taking your order and serving your meals. This means avoiding casual clothing such as jeans, t-shirts, and what might be commonly referred to as “street clothes.” Remember, making a first impression is essential, which is one thing you won’t get a second chance to do.
For men, this means a collared shirt and slacks. Depending on the location, you might also want to consider wearing a tie. There are also seasonal factors that can determine how you will accessorize your outfit. For example, while it might be too warm to do so during the spring or summer, a jacket is appropriate during the cooler temperatures. You should also give yourself a clean shave and have your hair combed well or tied back if you choose to wear it long.
For women, a formal gown or dress are both recommended items to wear. And while jewelry can be worn to dinner, it’s also important to remember to wear either high or flat-heeled shoes, not sandals, sneakers, or other footwear that one might consider too casual.
Dressing well is certainly part of it, but the clothes don’t make the individual. It’s important that you adhere to appropriate behavior and refrain from using your phone or engaging in actions that might upset other patrons or the restaurant staff.
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