If you’ve ever visited The Vault Downtown, then you’re well aware of the vast selection of cigars and fine wines that we have stocked up and ready to serve. And while you might not have given it much thought, many aficionados of both enjoy pairing them together. Scotch and whiskey are usually the expected companions with cigars, but wine pairs just as well. We’re here to present this guide to help you understand this fine art a little bit more.
Mild & Medium Bodied Cigars with Wine
These cigars are usually smoked in a formal black-tie affair or something like a pregame get-together. The critical thing to remember is that the wine, much like the occasion itself, should be mellow and down to earth. Therefore, we recommend a white wine that’s flavorful but just mellow enough to compliment the flavor of the cigar. Some of the best options include a chardonnay or a sauvignon blanc. Red wine can also be paired, but we recommend that if you do so, select something with a light or medium body, such as a light pinot noir.
Medium & Full Bodied Cigars with Wine
These cigars are typically saved for the end of the evening, such as a nightcap or after-dessert ritual. When it comes to the wine that pairs best with this cigar and occasion, we recommend a robust red that contains a full body. A tried and true option that’s always a great companion is Merlot. However, other options that can really accentuate the occasion consist of Bordeaux or Port. White wine usually pairs well with dinner but not with cigars such as these.
Full Bodied Cigars with Wine
These cigars are for decadent and extra-special occasions. As such, it’s a good idea to pick a wine with a higher alcohol content to pair with the full body of the cigar. We recommend cabernet sauvignon or a vintage red merlot or Bordeaux. These will not only compliment the cigar quite nicely but blend with the senses to help you enjoy everything perfectly.
The Vault Downtown
Whether you’re a connoisseur of whiskey, wine, or cigars, or have an enriched palette for fine cuisine, you’ll be able to find them all at The Vault Downtown. The refined establishment that serves exquisite tastes and provides an enriching atmosphere to make the night perfect is what we pride ourselves on. For a menu and reservations, head on over to thevaultdowntown.com.